Why Getting Started Is More Important Than Succeeding

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Written By Ranu Patidar

Hello I am Ranu Owner of kvsatna.com website here we guide about self improvements & relationships

Success is a word that carries a lot of weight. We often idolize people who are successful, whether they are entrepreneurs, athletes, or artists, and we aspire to reach the same heights. But while success is often the end goal, the importance of simply getting started on a journey cannot be understated. In fact, getting started is more crucial than succeeding. It represents the leap into the unknown, the act of overcoming inertia, and the first step toward growth and learning.

8 Tips Why Getting Started Is More Important?

The Fear of Failure Holds Many Back

One of the primary reasons people don’t get started on their goals is the fear of failure. They might dream of starting a business, writing a book, or embarking on a fitness journey, but the fear of not succeeding paralyzes them. This fear is often rooted in the belief that if you’re not good at something from the beginning, it’s not worth pursuing.

However, success rarely comes to those who fear failure. It comes to those who are willing to take risks, make mistakes, and learn along the way. Getting started, even if you don’t have everything figured out, breaks the chains of fear and allows you to grow. The sooner you start, the sooner you begin the learning process that leads to mastery.

Perfection is an Illusion

Many people wait until everything is perfect before they start pursuing their dreams. They wait for the right conditions, the perfect time, or the best resources. But perfection is an illusion. There will never be a perfect time to start. Waiting for ideal conditions can be a way of procrastinating because, deep down, people are afraid of the unknown.

Getting started means embracing imperfection. It means accepting that you don’t have all the answers and that you will encounter obstacles along the way. This is part of the journey. If you wait for perfection, you may never take the first step, and without the first step, success is impossible.

Momentum is Powerful

There is a famous quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” This speaks to the power of momentum. Once you take the first step, the second step becomes easier. When you start taking action, even if it’s small, you build momentum.

Momentum creates a sense of progress, and progress is addictive. As you continue, you gain confidence, skills, and experience. Every small victory along the way fuels your desire to keep going. In contrast, waiting to get everything perfect before starting leads to stagnation. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to get moving.

Learning Happens in the Doing

No amount of preparation or planning can substitute for real-world experience. Whether you’re starting a business, learning a new skill, or trying to get fit, you can read all the books, take all the courses, and study all the strategies, but real learning only happens when you get started and begin doing.

For example, many entrepreneurs have great business ideas but never execute them because they’re waiting to learn “everything” about the market or their competition. But it’s often through trial and error that you learn the most valuable lessons. You’ll make mistakes, encounter challenges, and realize things that books or courses could never teach you. This practical knowledge is far more valuable than theoretical knowledge, and it only comes from getting started.

Getting Started Is More Important

Getting Started Builds Resilience

Success is not a straight line; it’s filled with twists, turns, setbacks, and failures. The only way to navigate these challenges is by building resilience, and resilience comes from taking action, failing, and learning to get back up.

When you get started, you may encounter difficulties that force you to adapt and persevere. These challenges build character and strengthen your ability to overcome adversity. On the other hand, waiting for the perfect moment to start doesn’t prepare you for the inevitable difficulties you’ll face. Getting started forces you to confront challenges head-on and teaches you how to persist in the face of obstacles.

You’re Closer to Success Than You Think

Many people overestimate how hard it is to succeed and underestimate how close they are to achieving their goals. The hardest part of any journey is often taking the first step. Once you start, you’ll find that many of the challenges you anticipated are not as daunting as they seemed. You’ll also discover that opportunities arise in ways you never imagined once you’re in motion.

For example, if you want to start a blog, the thought of writing consistently, building an audience, and making money from it can seem overwhelming. But by simply starting, writing your first post, and sharing it with a few people, you’re already closer to your goal than you were when you were just thinking about it. Often, it’s only in hindsight that we realize how close we were to success after we took that first step.

Success is a Byproduct of Action

The paradox of success is that the more you focus on it as the ultimate goal, the more elusive it can become. True success is often a byproduct of consistent action rather than the end result of a perfectly executed plan. Those who get started and stay committed to the process are often surprised by the opportunities and successes that come their way.

By focusing on the journey rather than the destination, you put yourself in a position to grow, learn, and adapt. Success often follows naturally when you’re dedicated to taking action and improving over time.

You Will Inspire Others

One of the most underrated benefits of getting started is the inspiration you provide to others. When you take the leap and start working toward your goals, you demonstrate that it’s possible to overcome fear, doubt, and hesitation. Others may be watching you, and your courage to begin can inspire them to take action in their own lives.

By getting started, you become a role model for others who may be struggling with the same fears and doubts. Your example could be the spark that helps them start their own journey.


Getting started is more important than succeeding because it represents the first and most significant step in any journey. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of success, but without action, success remains a distant dream. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and that step is often the hardest. But once you take it, you set yourself on a path of growth, learning, and eventual success. So, if you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment or the right circumstances to start, remember this: there is no perfect time. The time to start is now.